March 17th, 2023
Friday, from 9 am
Mezzanine São Paulo Expo

Curating works of art: from exhibition to interior architecture
With the objective of bringing art as the main theme, the meeting brings together curators, historians, architects and journalists to discuss the paths of contemporary art

9:10 am- Pedro Nery, historian
9:30 am -Marc Pottier, specialist

9:50 amto 10:20 am - Roundtable:
Fernando Araújo, architect
Regina Galvão, journalist
Simone Quintas, journalist



Pedro Nery



March 17th, at 9:10 am


Pedro Nery is historian, museologist and curator, works with museums since 2007 with collections research and extroversion, exhibitions, courses and publications. He has a Master's degree from the Inter-unit Postgraduate Program in Museology, and develops academic research focused on the history of museum institutions and the formation of collections. He is also a curator in art and history exhibitions, focused on contemporary art production and historical heritage. He was curator at the Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo (2011-2019), with highlights for the shows Rosana Paulino: A costura da Memória, at the Pinacoteca de São Paulo and at the Museu de Arte do Rio de Janeiro; and Marepe: Estranhamente Comum, at the Estação Pinacoteca in São Paulo. Since 2021, he has been a museologist at the Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo.

Free registration. Limited availability.
Programme subject to change.

Marc Pottier

Specialist and curator


March 17th, 9:30 am


Marc Pottier has a frenetic transit on the contemporary art circuit between Brazil, where he is based, and France, with frequent passages in the busiest axes that include Nagoya, Tokyo, Paris and New York.

Besides participating, since 2012, in the Matarazzo project, which generated the interview book 'Made by... Feito por Brazileiros'. He was also ahead of the curatorship of the creative invasion in the former Matarazzo hospital, in 2014, and of the permanent art collections of the Rosewood-Matarazzo Hotel.

He is currently curator of Usina de Arte, a sculpture park on the outskirts of Recife, which belongs to the Núcleo Curatorial do MON (Museu Oscar Niemeyer) in Curitiba, and is also the international coordinator of the projeto of future Museu de Arte Contemporânea, of Foz do Iguaçu, as a coach of the Centre Pompidou.

Free registration. Limited availability.
Programme subject to change.

Fernando Araújo



March 17th, 9:50 am


Architect and cultural producer, works in the segment since 2013. With a degree in business and architecture from FMU, he has produced more than thirty advertising campaigns and signed the executive production of theater and dance performances, ensuring in two projects the APCA award.

In his most recent work, he produced the exhibition "Alex Flemming - O mapa da mina", for the Biblioteca Mário de Andrade. He is currently business manager at the Museu da Arte Moderna. 

Free registration. Limited availability.
Programme subject to change.

Regina Galvão



March 17th, 9:50 am


A reference in the areas of design, architecture, and handcrafts, with over twenty years of experience in this market, Regina Galvão is a graduate from Faculdade de Comunicação Social Cásper Líbero, with specialization in Marketing and Art History. She has worked as an editor for publications such as Casa Vogue, Casa Claudia, among others. She currently runs the Forma Brasil agency, producing editorial content for several companies. She hosts the podcast Casa e Frente e Verso with Simone Quintas, also a journalist.

Free registration. Limited availability.
Programme subject to change.

Simone Quintas



March 17th, 9:50 am


With a degree in journalism from Universidade Metodista, Simone Quintas has worked in several areas of communication. But it was in the architecture and decoration segment that she found herself, working for twenty years at Casa e Jardim magazine (Editora Globo), eight of them as editorial director.

She left the publisher at the end of 2016 to idealize, organize and curate the Tiradentes Creative Week. In 2021, she started another activity alongside journalist Regina Galvão: the podcast Casa Frente e Verso, specialized in architecture, design and handcraft, present on the following platforms Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Deezer and Anchor.

Free registration. Limited availability.
Programme subject to change.
