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Chat with Fernando Forte - FGMF Architects

March 13th, at 15:10



Co-founder, managing partner

Fernando Forte, an architect and urban planner from FAU-USP, co-founded FGMF in 1999. At FGMF he shares the creative work with the other partners and coordinates the office's media relations and communications. He has taught architectural Projeto and collaborated with magazines and other architectural media.


Created in 1999 by colleagues from FAU-USP, FGMF was born with the aim of producing contemporary architecture, without restrictions on the use of different materials and construction techniques, and of investigating the relationship between architecture and man. Based on the partners' professional and academic experience, FGMF seeks a different and innovative approach in all the projects it proposes. There are no predefined or rigid formulas: with each challenge, we start from scratch and use drawing as our research tool to develop a new vision of the building, the object and the city. In our various projects we have had the opportunity to deal with a wide range of programs and architectural scales. This has always reinforced our belief that, like life, architecture should be plural, heterogeneous and dynamic. All this work and dedication has resulted in the satisfaction of receiving more than 250 national and international awards. In addition, our projects have been published in countries such as England, the United States, Italy, Portugal, China, Slovenia, Korea, India, Greece, Spain, Argentina and Colombia, and we have also taken part in national and international exhibitions and biennials. More than recognition for a job well done, this is an incentive for us to focus on creative and efficient projects


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