
Ceramic Tiles Arena
March 12th, 3pm
Application of Lastras in practice with Rogério Martin from Art Porcelaine
Presented by Roca Cerâmica and Incepa
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Ceramic Tiles Arena
March 12th, 2pm
Panel: "Customer Experience: The role of installation service in the retail sale of large format tiles".
Participation by Leroy Merlin, ConstruSete and Sou Cunheiro.
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Ceramic Tiles Arena
March 12th | Morning at 11:30 a.m. | Afternoon at 4:30 p.m.
Installation demonstration
Stand A150 | Hall 1
Presented by Cortag, Quartzolit and Roca Cerâmica.
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Ceramic Tiles Arena
March 12th | Morning at 11am
Applying Super Formats
Stand A150 - Hall 1
Presented by Roca Cerâmica
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Ceramic Tiles Arena
March 12 | Morning at 10:30 a.m. | Afternoon at 4 p.m.
Uncomplicating Construction: Quartzolit Solutions in Mortars, Grouts and Greases
Stand A150 - Hall 1
Presented by Quartzolit
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Architecture Central
March 14th, 2pm
Dal Pian Architects chat
Stand K35 Pavilion 4
Renato Dal Pian and Lilian Dal Pian (Dal Pian Architects). Mediation: Fernando Mungioli ( Projeto magazine)
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Architecture Central
March 14th, 12pm
AsBEA Panel - Architecture and Careers
Stand K35 - Hall 4
Carolina Nobre (FGMF - Escritório de Arquitetura SP), Caroline Martins (Aproxima) and Renata Ballone (Coordinator of CAU/SP's Professional Practice Commission)
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Architecture Central
March 14th, from 10am to 11am
AsBEA-SP's São Paulo Architecture Series
Stand K35 Pavilion 4
Honors: Alberto Botti, and firms aflalo/gasperini arquitetos, Dal Pian Arquitetos, FGMF Arquitetos and Königsberger Vannucchi Arquitetos Associados.
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Architecture Central
March 13th, at 15:10
Chat with Fernando Forte - FGMF Architects
Stand K35 Pavilion 4
Fernando Forte (FGMF Architects). Measurement: Fernando Mungioli (Revista Projeto) and Gustavo Garrido (President AsBea-SP)
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Architecture Central
March 13th at 4pm
Chat with aflalo/gasperiniarquitetos
Stand K35 Pavilion 4
Roberto Aflalo Filho and Luiz Felipe Aflalo Herman (aflalo/gasperini arquitetos,). Mediation: Fernando Mungioli and Gustavo Garrido
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Architecture Central
March 13th, 2pm
AsBEA Panel - Urbanism and Cities
Stand K35 Pavilion 4
Gustavo Garrido (ARCHSCAPE), Camila Poio Bressan (Urban.P) and Maria Jo Steck (Steck Arquitetura)
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Architecture Central
March 13th, from 1pm to 2pm
Cine AsBEA
Stand K35 Pavilion 4
AsBEA-SP's São Paulo Architecture Series, honoring: Alberto Botti, aflalo/gasperini arquitetos, Dal Pian Arquitetos, FGMF Arquitetos and Königsberger Vannucchi Arquitetos Associados.
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Architecture Central
March 13th, 11am
Chat with Roberto Spina
Stand K35 Pavilion 4
Roberto Spina - CAU/SP Councillor (Interior Architecture) . Mediation: Fernando Mungioli
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Architecture Central
March 13th, 10am
CAU/SP Panel - Architecture in Dialogue: Challenges and Opportunities
Camila Moreno de Camargo (President of CAU/SP) and Rafael Ambrósio (Coordinator of CAU/SP's Institutional Relations Commission). Mediation: Fernando Mungioli.
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Architecture Central
March 12th at 4pm
Chat with Königsberger Vannucchi Arquitetos Associados
Stand K35 Pavilion 4
Gianfranco Vannucchi and Daniel Toledo (Königsberger Vannucchi Arquitetos Associados). Mediation: Fernando Mungioli ( Projeto magazine)
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Architecture Central
March 12th, 3pm
Chat with Rodrigo Ohtake
Stand K35 Pavilion 4
Rodrigo Ohtake - Architect
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Architecture Central
March 12th, 2pm
AsBEA Corporate Architecture Panel
Stand K35 Pavilion 4
Pierina Piemonte (LP+A Arquitetura), Douglas Tolaine (Perkins&Will) and Antônio Mantovani Neto (Pitá Arquitetura)
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Architecture Central
March 12th, from 10 to 11 a.m.
Cine AsBEA
Stand K35 Pavilion 4
AsBEA-SP's São Paulo Architecture Series, honoring: Alberto Botti, aflalo/gasperini arquitetos, Dal Pian Arquitetos, FGMF Arquitetos and Königsberger Vannucchi Arquitetos Associados.
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Waiting for items.
Waiting for items.

Ceramic Tiles Arena
Application of Lastras in practice with Rogério Martin from Art Porcelaine
March 12th, 3pm
Presented by Roca Cerâmica and Incepa
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Ceramic Tiles Arena
Installation demonstration
March 12th | Morning at 11:30 a.m. | Afternoon at 4:30 p.m.
Stand A150 | Hall 1
Presented by Cortag, Quartzolit and Roca Cerâmica.
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Ceramic Tiles Arena
Applying Super Formats
March 12th | Morning at 11am
Stand A150 - Hall 1
Presented by Roca Cerâmica
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Ceramic Tiles Arena
Uncomplicating Construction: Quartzolit Solutions in Mortars, Grouts and Greases
March 12 | Morning at 10:30 a.m. | Afternoon at 4 p.m.
Stand A150 - Hall 1
Presented by Quartzolit
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Architecture Central
Chat with Königsberger Vannucchi Arquitetos Associados
March 12th at 4pm
Stand K35 Pavilion 4
Gianfranco Vannucchi and Daniel Toledo (Königsberger Vannucchi Arquitetos Associados). Mediation: Fernando Mungioli ( Projeto magazine)
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Architecture Central
Chat with Rodrigo Ohtake
March 12th, 3pm
Stand K35 Pavilion 4
Rodrigo Ohtake - Architect
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Architecture Central
AsBEA Corporate Architecture Panel
March 12th, 2pm
Stand K35 Pavilion 4
Pierina Piemonte (LP+A Arquitetura), Douglas Tolaine (Perkins&Will) and Antônio Mantovani Neto (Pitá Arquitetura)
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Architecture Central
Cine AsBEA
March 12th, from 10 to 11 a.m.
Stand K35 Pavilion 4
AsBEA-SP's São Paulo Architecture Series, honoring: Alberto Botti, aflalo/gasperini arquitetos, Dal Pian Arquitetos, FGMF Arquitetos and Königsberger Vannucchi Arquitetos Associados.
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Ceramic Tiles Arena
Panel: "Customer Experience: The role of installation service in the retail sale of large format tiles".
March 12th, 2pm
Participation by Leroy Merlin, ConstruSete and Sou Cunheiro.
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Architecture Central
Chat with aflalo/gasperiniarquitetos
March 13th at 4pm
Stand K35 Pavilion 4
Roberto Aflalo Filho and Luiz Felipe Aflalo Herman (aflalo/gasperini arquitetos,). Mediation: Fernando Mungioli and Gustavo Garrido
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Architecture Central
AsBEA Panel - Urbanism and Cities
March 13th, 2pm
Stand K35 Pavilion 4
Gustavo Garrido (ARCHSCAPE), Camila Poio Bressan (Urban.P) and Maria Jo Steck (Steck Arquitetura)
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Architecture Central
Cine AsBEA
March 13th, from 1pm to 2pm
Stand K35 Pavilion 4
AsBEA-SP's São Paulo Architecture Series, honoring: Alberto Botti, aflalo/gasperini arquitetos, Dal Pian Arquitetos, FGMF Arquitetos and Königsberger Vannucchi Arquitetos Associados.
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Architecture Central
Chat with Roberto Spina
March 13th, 11am
Stand K35 Pavilion 4
Roberto Spina - CAU/SP Councillor (Interior Architecture) . Mediation: Fernando Mungioli
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Architecture Central
CAU/SP Panel - Architecture in Dialogue: Challenges and Opportunities
March 13th, 10am
Camila Moreno de Camargo (President of CAU/SP) and Rafael Ambrósio (Coordinator of CAU/SP's Institutional Relations Commission). Mediation: Fernando Mungioli.
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Architecture Central
Dal Pian Architects chat
March 14th, 2pm
Stand K35 Pavilion 4
Renato Dal Pian and Lilian Dal Pian (Dal Pian Architects). Mediation: Fernando Mungioli ( Projeto magazine)
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Architecture Central
AsBEA Panel - Architecture and Careers
March 14th, 12pm
Stand K35 - Hall 4
Carolina Nobre (FGMF - Escritório de Arquitetura SP), Caroline Martins (Aproxima) and Renata Ballone (Coordinator of CAU/SP's Professional Practice Commission)
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Architecture Central
AsBEA-SP's São Paulo Architecture Series
March 14th, from 10am to 11am
Stand K35 Pavilion 4
Honors: Alberto Botti, and firms aflalo/gasperini arquitetos, Dal Pian Arquitetos, FGMF Arquitetos and Königsberger Vannucchi Arquitetos Associados.
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